Thursday, November 02, 2006

"What's good for Al Qaeda is good for the Democratic Party in this country today"

So said Rush Limbaugh earlier this year. Left-wingers like Eric Boehlert are going nuts because media personalities are actually civil when they interview Limbaugh (one supposes they are supposed to snarl viciously or throw pies at him or maybe drowned him out when he speaks if they are true lefties).

Unfortunately for Boehlert and others like him, evidently Limbaugh is right yet again. According to this article from World Net Daily, the terrorists really are hoping Americans will sweep in Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. "The terrorists told WorldNetDaily an electoral win for the Democrats would prove to them Americans are 'tired.'" Well, why wouldn't they think Americans are "tired"? That's all they've been hearing from Democrats and the press for months.


They rejected statements from some prominent Democrats in the U.S. that a withdrawal from Iraq would end the insurgency, explaining an evacuation would prove resistance works and would compel jihadists to continue fighting until America is destroyed.

Seems like Republicans, including the President, have been saying for a year now that if we cut and run as suggested by Democrats like John Murtha that the terrorists would be emboldened and would simply come here to get us.

Well, it's good to know that the terrorists agree with a New York Times/CBS poll which says:

A substantial majority of Americans expect Democrats to reduce or end American military involvement in Iraq if they win control of Congress next Tuesday, and say Republicans would maintain or increase troop levels to try to win the war if they hold on to power on Capitol Hill, according to the final New York Times/CBS News poll before the midterm election.

But don't point out that Rush Limbaugh already noted who the terrorists want to win.