Jesurgislac has referenced in several comments the idea that pro-life supporters are hypocritical if they do not also support government mandates and programs for pregnant women and mothers.
This is a term I see thrown around a lot on blogs, usually aimed at conservatives (along with bigot, fascist, and racist). It's used as a perjorative and isn't at all useful in discussions, unless, of course, the point is to shut down discussion (like so many Pandagonistas sticking their fingers in their ears). I've seen it used during the Mark Foley scandal, the Michael J. Fox flap and even about reinstating the draft. Unfortunately, almost every instance where liberals use the word "hypocrisy" they are misusing it.
Hypocrisy means "a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess." In everyday speech it would be saying one thing and doing something else.
But that's not really what liberals mean when they use the word. What they mean is "saying and doing things of which we disapprove and not doing the things of which we would approve." For example, if you are pro-life and oppose new government mandates and programs, to a liberal, that is hypocritical. In point of fact, it is not if you believe that private sector help is more effective and better targeted than government programs which can be bureaucratic, time-consuming, ineffective, and wasteful.
"Hypocrisy" was also thrown about during the Mark Foley scandal. Homosexuals and gay rights supporters said Foley was "hypocritical" to vote against various pro-homosexual legislation. But as a representative, Foley was expected to vote for and against legslation as his constituents would want, not necessarily as he would (and I'm not even sure he wanted the various laws passed, either). It is entirely possible to be homosexual without signing on to every legislative initiative, just as it is possible to be a feminist without being pro-abortion.
As for the embryonic stem cell research debate, I've heard people called "hypocritical" for not supporting more government funding for embryonic stem cell research. Why is that hypocritical? Because if you really cared about life, you'd be for finding cures, of course! That anyone would object to any particular form of research must be hypocritical, unless, of course, it's not wanting testing on animals. But it isn't hypocritical to object to using embryos for research if you believe life begins at conception and that experimenting with humans without their consent is unethical, particularly when there are other means and methods for research.
Then there's the draft. Democrat Charles Rangel wants it reinstated and many liberals believe it is hypocritical to support the war in Iraq if one didn't serve in the military. But given that about 90% of Americans have no military service, this would mean that almost no one would be allowed to participate in debate over foreign affairs without being called a hypocrite. Not only would this be foolish, it would be a dereliction of duty. Americans are expected to express themselves on a whole variety of issues about which they don't have expertise: taxes, business regulation, education, environmental issues, and military procurement among them. To say that it is hypocritical to support American foreign policy without military experience is just plain stupid.
There are, of course, real examples of hypocrisy. Ted Kennedy advocates high taxes but hides much of his wealth offshore and away from U.S. tax laws. Noam Chomsky constantly excoriates American foreign policy, yet has made a tidy living off of Defense Department money. Grandma Pelosi claims to support unions yet doesn't use any union workers either in her vineyards or restaurants. Michael Moore says he doesn't own stock, yet records show he's owned thousands of shares, including shares in Halliburton. And Barbra Streisand supports environmental long as she can drive her SUV and use her own land as she sees fit.
Yes, there's some real hypocrisy out there. But don't expect our liberal friends to discuss it.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Add Another Word to That List for the Dictionary: Hypocrisy
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6:45 AM
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