We've heard a lot over the last four years or so about how this war was "just like Vietnam." Well, if it wasn't before, it will be if advice like this is taken seriously.
Don't let the DLC and DCCC spin-meisters fool you. This election was not a mandate for the Democratic Party to run to the middle. It was a mandate for the Democratic Party to do everything in its power to get us out of Iraq -- rapidly and responsibly.
I like when Huffington throws in that word "responsibly." Exact how long is "responsibly"? A month? Six months? A year?
When Democrats start talking about withdrawing "rapidly and responsibly" I start seeing the Vietnamese holding on to the runners on our helicopters as we fled South Vietnam. And I remember Democrats deciding not to equip our allies in South Vietnam, ensuring that the well-equipped and well-funded North Vietnamese would win. (Of course, my very first image when Democrats talk about withdrawing "rapidly and responsibly" is Bill Clinton...but I digress).
I understand how much Democrats hate wars that we have a real national interest in and that they believe we should only use military force in situations that in no way advance our interests. But discussions like Huffington's validates the pre-election statement of President Bush that America loses if Democrats win. And it is simply not helpful because leaving would create a power vacuum we cannot afford in that area of the world.
Huffington hangs a lot on those words "rapidly and responsibly," I'm sure. It leaves a loophole wide enough to drive a tank through. But since Vietnam, our enemies have always waited for us to develop battle fatigue when a war takes longer than six months. That's what Osama bin Laden himself said. Discussing getting out of Iraq "rapidly and responsibly" is, in itself, irresponsible and shameful.
P.S.--Ann Coulter is great (as always) at telling us what this election really means.
The Democrats say we need a "new direction" in Iraq. Yeah, it's called "reverse." Democrats keep talking about a new military strategy in Iraq. How exactly is cut-and-run a new strategy? The French have been doing it for years. The Democrats are calling their new plan for Iraq "Operation Somalia."
The Democrats certainly have their work cut out for them. They have only two years to release as many terrorists as possible and lock up as many Republicans as they can. Republicans better get that body armor for the troops the Democrats are always carping about -- and fast. The troops are going to need it for their backs.
I couldn't have said it better myself.