Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saddam Sentenced to Death

According to the Associated Press, Saddam Hussein was "convicted and sentenced Sunday to hang for crimes against humanity in the 1982 killings of 148 people in a single Shiite town." It's good to know even in the midst of the circus that that trial became that the right decision was reached.

"Saddam and his seven co-defendants were on trial for a wave of revenge killings carried out in the city of Dujail following a 1982 assassination attempt on the former dictator. Al-Maliki's Islamic Dawa party, then an underground opposition, has claimed responsibility for organizing the attempt on Saddam's life."

This, of course, was just a small sample of the people Saddam tortured (real torture, that is, not telling someone their food is cold), raped, maimed, and killed throughout his brutal reign, but I guess they had to pick somewhere to start.

It only took minutes for the liberal blogs to turn this good news into a slam at America.

Via Liberal Avenger: "it can't be good" for the Iraqi people. Huh?

At Think Progress: "I’m convinced the Iraqi martial law test run on Sunday is both a warning to the people of the U.S. to comply with Heir Bush, and practice for the troops that will be used against us..."

Talking Points Memo says the decision "was timed to boost Republican prospects in the midterm elections." Nice attitude! But I guess if you believe Diebold is stealing your votes, it's not too far-fetched that this decision was timed to help Republicans. Sheesh.

Red State Son just came out and said what all those other moonbats wouldn't say directly:

So Saddam is sentenced to hang for killing Iraqis who opposed him. For doing the bidding of those in the West who backed him completely. For doing then what the US is doing now.

So, there you have it. We're putting people in woodchippers. Our soldiers are torturing people for telling George Bush jokes. We're raping women in front of their relatives because they're Democrats. We gas our own people. Oh, wait. We aren't doing those things. I keep forgetting that in the moonbat language war casualties equals deliberately and systematically torturing, raping, maiming, and killing one's own people.

No mention of the Saddam verdict on KOS or other more prominent moonbat sites, but I'm sure they'll find ways to say we're worse than Saddam any minute now.

UPDATE: According to Media Matters, it really is all a Rovian plot for Saddam's verdict to come out just in time for the U.S. elections.

On October 16, the Associated Press reported that the verdict and sentences for those found guilty "will be announced Nov. 5." As Media Matters for America noted, the decision to postpone the verdict until two days before the midterm elections raised an important question: Given the heavy influence of the United States on the court and given the administration's history of timing national security-related actions to the political calendar, was the verdict's date set to provide maximum political benefit for the Bush administration and congressional Republicans? This question has grown more pressing in recent days, as the White House has begun touting the upcoming verdict as "a benchmark episode, where the Iraqi people are taking control of their own destiny."

It's probably a bigger question if you're scared Democrats aren't going to win.

UPDATE NO. 2: Daily KOS finally did chime in with it's anti-American take on the Saddam verdict. Here's my favorite comment:

double standard when it comes to high crimes. We are allowed to do it; others are not.

It's always interesting to see exactly how out of touch the nutbags really are.