Saturday, March 03, 2007

Bill Maher Sorry Assassination Attempt Failed

Last week, many bloggers took the Huffington Post to task for editing the comments at this post on the assassination attempt on Vice President Dick Cheney while he was in Afghanistan.

The moonbats were in rare form that day, mourning the bad luck of the would-be assassins. Michelle Malkin had a PDF file of the comments at HuffPo, which were scrubbed so that they didn't make the commenters look like the completely despicable losers they are.

You'd think after the furor those comments caused that no one would be stupid enough to repeat the gist of them. But then, you wouldn't have met Bill Maher.

Maher lost his Politically Incorrect gig after he made stupid comments on the show after the 9/11 attacks. You'd think he would have learned from that that making ignorant statements on television will get you canned. Well, evidently Maher didn't learn a thing and now we can only hope HBO is looking at his latest statements, this time about the attempted assassination of the vice president. (Via

Maher: What about the people who got onto the Huffington Post – and these weren’t even the bloggers, these were just the comments section – who said they, they expressed regret that the attack on Dick Cheney failed.

Joe Scarborough: Right.

Maher: Now…

John Ridley: More than regret.

Maher: Well, what did they say?

Ridley: They said “We wish he would die.” I mean, it was (?) hate language.

Barney Frank: They said the bomb was wasted. (laughter and applause)

Maher: That’s a funny joke. But, seriously, if this isn’t China, shouldn’t you be able to say that? Why did Arianna Huffington, my girlfriend, I love her, but why did she take that off right away?

A funny joke? Does he mean a funny joke the way Ann Coulter made a funny joke about John Edwards?

But Maher wasn't done.
Ridley: It’s one thing to say you hate Dick Cheney, which applies to his politics. It’s another thing to say, “I’m sorry he didn’t die in an explosion." And I think, you know…

Maher: But you should be able to say it. And by the way...

Frank: Excuse me, Bill, but can I ask you a question? Do you decide what the topics are for this show?

Maher: Yeah, I decide the topics, they don’t go there.

Frank: But you exercise control over the show the way that she does over her blog.

Maher: But I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow. (applause)

Scarborough: If someone on this panel said that they wished that Dick Cheney had been blown up, and you didn’t say…

Frank: I think he did.

Scarborough: Okay. Did you say…

Maher: No, no. I quoted that.

Frank: You don’t believe that?

Maher: I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.

It's always interesting when a moonbat decides they want to wrap themselves in the First Amendment so they can say things that are patently offensive. To compare a blog that decides to edit its comments (so they won't look as embarrassing to the blog) to government control of speech is a complete misdirection. Nobody is calling for the government to squash the rights of moonbats to sound like idiots. What has happened is that rabid lefties have been shown for the fringe elements they are.

I condemned Ann Coulter for being a bomb-thrower by calling John Edwards a faggot. It seems to me that saying the world would be better off if the Vice President were assassinated is considerably worse than that.