Saturday, March 10, 2007

Nutroots Push Democratic Party Left...Great!

I liked this post by John Hinderaker about how the nutroots are pushing the Democratic Party farther to the left...and away from victory.

More trouble for the Democratic Party, as the nutroots continue to push the party into a far left corner. It's now being reported that the Democrats are pulling out of a scheduled August debate in Nevada on Fox News. The stampede started when John Edwards said that he wouldn't participate in the debate, on the theory that Fox isn't liberal enough for the Democrats. The Edwards campaign announced this "principled" decision in an email to the nutroots' beehive, the Daily Kos. The rest of the party has now fallen into line, as none of the contenders apparently was willing to risk the displeasure of the party's nuttiest fringe.

That's good for the Republicans, bad for the Democrats. The original idea of the Nevada debate was to appeal to swing voters in the western states.

This is, indeed good news for Republicans, especially if they end up with a centrist-type candidate like Rudy Giuliani. The appeal of a Giuliani candidacy to the vast, unwashed middle will more than make up for the carping of the purists on the right.

I'm not crazy about Giuliani either on social issues where he's much more liberal than I, or on personal issues, where he clearly has a lot of baggage. But I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt if my choices end up between any Democrat and him.