Take a gander at the latest screed by Amanda at Pandagon and you'll see how the nutroots aren't coping very well with the idea that some abortions might not get performed.
Amanda titles the post "Take my uterus, please," and maybe that would be the best option for her, given her philosophy that all abortion restrictions are because men hate women and they want to force women to have babies.
My favorite comment, though, was this one:
I personally believe that a woman should be allowed to have whatever’s in her uterus removed at any point, any point, in her pregnancy. Even if she’d give birth the next day. For whatever reason. If she decides that after 9 months less one day, being pregnant any longer will muss her nailpolish and she no longer wants to be pregnant, then she should be able to end her pregnancy.
It's always a good idea to keep in mind exactly what the "choice" in "pro-choice" is all about. In this case, it is trivializing the lives of babies and comparing them with changing nailpolish.