Thursday, April 26, 2007

David Broder Joins the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

One thing you gotta love about the nutroots: they can't tolerate criticism. It is a fatal flaw of Republicans that we will actually criticize our own, including the administration, when they are wrong.

But not the nutroots. Nope, they are loyal to a fault. That's why so many of them are circling the wagons around "The War Is Lost" Harry Reid, who is now claiming that he didn't really mean the war is lost but that it's just going through a difficult time and he was misquoted and don't you dare question his patriotism!!!!

Now, well-known liberal commenter David Broder is in the cross-hairs for having the audacity to say Harry Reid is an embarrassment.

It looks as if David Broder's column tomorrow may be making the rather creative case that Harry Reid is as inept as...Alberto Gonzales.

How do I know this? Over at the Dallas Morning News, which prints Broder's column from time to time, they've done a teaser on the paper's blog previewing the Op-ed columns the paper is running tomorrow.

Insert image of The Scream here.

Yes, it's a truly horrible thing when a liberal points out the stupidity of a leading liberal Democrat leader. As Michelle Malkin points out, the comments to the BLOGSWARM ALERT!!!!!! are telling. They don't bother attacking whether or not the comparison to Gonzales is accurate. Nope, they just go for the ad hominem attack.

It makes me happy I don't have to answer the phones from nutty subscribers for any newspaper anymore. I don't think I could do it without telling them they are...unhinged.