Friday, April 20, 2007

Maybe He Needs Some Anger Management Counseling

I just read about Alec Baldwin's abusive outburst left on his daughter's voice mail via

After Ireland (Baldwin's daughter with Kim Basinger) failed to answer her father's scheduled morning phone call from New York on April 11, Alec went berserk on her voice mail, saying "Once again, I have made an ass of myself trying to get to a phone," adding, "you have insulted me for the last time."

Switching his train of thought, Baldwin then exercised his incredible parenting skills and took a shot at his ex-wife, declaring, "I don't give a damn that you're 12-years-old or 11-years-old, or a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you do." The irate Baldwin went on to say, "You've made me feel like s**t" and threatened to "straighten your ass out."

"This crap you pull on me with this goddamn phone situation that you would never dream of doing to your mother," screamed Baldwin, "and you do it to me constantly over and over again."

Before hanging up, Baldwin warned the child, "You better be ready Friday the 20th to meet with me." That's tomorrow.

We've learned that on Wednesday, Los Angeles County Superior Court commissioner Maren Nelson heard the tape and temporarily suspended Baldwin's visitation rights. A hearing is set for May 4, where the judge could permanently deny Baldwin visitation or contact with Ireland.

I usually don't pay attention to celebrity bad behavior, but I particularly despise Baldwin after he suggested stoning Henry Hyde for conducting Bill Clinton's impeachment hearings.

The fact that Baldwin would leave such a vitriolic message to his 11-year-old child is unforgiveable to me. I was involved in a nasty custody battle for my oldest shortly before her 12th birthday, and while there were times I was angry or disappointed in her choices, it would never have occurred to me to call her names or scream at her. Does that make me an exemplary parent? No, it makes me a normal parent.

If Baldwin has this enormous an anger problem, he doesn't need to be around his daughter. His influence would be poisonous and it is unfair to the child. If adults want to hate each other fine, but leave the kids out of the line of fire, please.

UPDATE: Ace of Spades reminds us that "verbal violence" is equal to shooting up a school according to Barak Obama. He also has this gem:
How f****** stupid do you have to be to leave this kind of a nasty rant on an answering machine belonging to an ex-wife whom you allegedly smacked around?

Pretty f****** stupid.