Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Carrie Prejean Nude Pics: Much Ado About Nothing

I wasn't going to write anything about the nude photo sliming of Miss California Carrie Prejean.

Here is the photo in question. My reaction: That's it? I mean, I was expecting Hustler style pics from the flap over it.

The Other McCain has a complete rundown of who's talking and who's not and why.

My thoughts on this are:

1. It's pathetic that those out to destroy Prejean for voicing the majority view on marriage have to stoop to this level. But it's not surprising. We're getting used to this sort tactic.

2. Models have nude photos taken. Virtually all of them do, at some time or other. Some clients demand them before considering the model, and someone starting out is less likely to rock the boat about it.

3. I've said, since my early 20's that no woman should ever allow a man to take her picture nude. Ever. I don't care how much you trust the man, your picture is likely to end up plastered on the Internet when either (a) you dump him or (b)you become famous. I've known women whose personal lives and careers have been affected badly by these revelations, and we've seen professional women creamed (no pun intended) for skin pics.

Obviously, those who hate Prejean and want to discredit her aren't interested in any reason she might have nude photos, or what her view of Christianity is. These people want proof that Prejean is just another hypocrite and that, because of her hypocrisy, her views are invalid.

Now, I'm not sure how nude photos invalidate support for traditional marriage, but I've never claimed to understand the liberal mind.