Sunday, May 03, 2009

2008 Campaign: Sexism From the Left

This is an eye-roller, to be sure. The author is concerned with the pervasive sexism from the Left during the 2008 presidential campaign, but only as it concerns Hillary Clinton.

I denounced the sexism directed at Hillary Clinton during the campaign. And I also denounced the sexism directed at Sarah Palin. Pitifully few liberals were concerned about the sexism aimed at Sarah Palin (here is the only site I found that regularly denounced sexism directed at Palin). Most considered it fair game. After all, only stupid women would be Republicans, therefore, making sexist remarks about Republican women isn't sexism.

We've seen the same phenomenon in the rancor over Carrie Prejean's honest opinion about gay marriage. For expressing the majority opinion on the subject, Prejean has been excoriated for her views and denigrated for being a woman. But where are the lefty bloggers denouncing this sexism? *crickets*

Here's the laugh out loud moment from the TalkLeft post:

Of all the episodes of the 2008 primary wars, to my mind, the pervavsive acceptance, even encouragement, of sexism and misogyny remains the most shameful and the one that must be remembered. Progressives abandoned one of the most basic tents of progressivism - all due to their love of one politician and their loathing of another politician. It should never have happened. And it is a wound that has not been addressed forthrightly.

Emphasis mine.

I would say that progressives simply behaved consistently. They hate women.