Rightwingsparkle notes the difference in experience between two women politicians.
I think I get what all the liberals were squawking about when talking about "certain woman politician" we all know. You know the one. The one who didn't graduate from an Ivy league college. The one who was a "breeder" of five kids and barely had ANY experience. Imagine her being 2nd in the line of succession the Presidency??! The ridiculous woman who spends $150,000 on her clothes.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think I was talking about Sarah Palin? Oh no. I was talking about Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi is second in line for the presidency (after Wonder Pet Joe Biden). She graduated from a Catholic college, got married, had five kids, then did nothing, apparently, until she was elected to Congress in 1987.
By the time Sarah Palin was 44 yrs old, not only had she had five children, she was running for Vice President of the United States. After a career in journalism and running a small business, she started her career in politics at the age of 28. She was elected mayor and then Governor.

This is just another example of the feminist double standard. Or maybe I'll call it the IOKIYSA standard. That stands for It's OK If You Support Abortion. Because feminists will forgive all sorts of personal failings as long as the person involved supports unfettered abortion on demand. Feminists are particularly hard on women who are pro-life. Take any abortion thread at Pandagon or Feministe and you'll see what I mean. If a woman is pro-life and she is excoriated in the press, she must have asked for it. Sounds like certain arguments feminists hate about rape, if you ask me.