Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New McCain Ad

I found the new McCain ad on Pandagon, of all places. The fact that Jesse Taylor is clutching his teddy bear to help with the pain of such an accurate ad just makes this post on the ad all the sweeter.

Here's one:

Here's Jesse's comment, after comparing it to a George W.Bush wolf ad from 2004:

The use of wolf imagery in the context of a Republican presidential campaign, particularly one so focused on national security acumen, can’t help but be intentional. Why is John McCain comparing Barack Obama, a man who has patriotically served his country in the U.S. Senate and who has run an honorable campaign for president, to Islamic terrorists who have slaughtered thousands of Americans?

Gee, Jesse, want a little cheese to go with that whine? The imagery, as if you don't get it, is that Obama is panicked at the popularity of Sarah Palin and is looking for any smear that will neutralize her. Duh. Wolves seems pretty accurate.

UPDATE: I'm not kidding. In the comments, people are actually arguing that the ad is racist.