Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why Obama Must Be Scared of Sarah Palin

--She's got more executive experience than he does.

--She's got more business experience than he does.

--She's got a son who will be serving in Iraq (no more chickenhawk arguments).

--She doesn't think babies should be killed after birth.

--She hasn't flip-flopped on gun control or energy issues.

--The top of the ticket has the foreign policy experience, which is what the candidate should have.

And here's the dirty little secret: if Joe Biden decides to attack her during the debate, he will look every bit the bully for a national audience. If he tries to be condescending--and when isn't Biden condescending?--he will piss off even more people.

The Obama campaign is already having trouble attacking Palin without coming across as pigs. This will only get better over the next couple of months.