Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Does the Left Really Not Understand the Stupidity of Obama's Tire Pressure Gaffe?

Ed Morrissey has a post up reviewing why Obama's suggestion that we could save as much oil as could be drilled out of ANWR by just inflating your tires is stupid on its face.

No one doubts that proper tire inflation can help with efficiency, and no one thinks it’s silly to maintain one’s vehicle for a variety of reasons. However, Obama clearly stated that we could get just as much oil from tire inflation and tune-ups as we can get from drilling — a ludicrous statement well deserving of ridicule.

I meant to post on this silliness the day Obama said it, but got sidetracked. Now is as good a time to mock him as any, I suppose.

Inflating my tires and getting tune-ups will save as much oil as we could get from drilling? Are we sure the guys at Iowa Liberal aren't energy consultants for Obama? It makes about as much sense. But maybe Mike can point us to a study that shows inflating your tires will not just save oil but actually get us oil the same way drilling would.

Oh, wait. I guess somebody did the study.
So it would indeed be nice if Americans pumped up their tires sufficiently, and we started seeing some of that 4.9 million to 6.5 million gallons saved per day. But why it has to be an either/or in regards to the 1.6 trillion gallons of gasoline in the OCS (not even getting into ANWR), as Obama insists, is not clear.

But the reason is clear. Because he says so!

I heard a local ad on the radio yesterday that touted not just taking public transportation (a virtual impossibility for most people in the Metroplex) but riding one's bike to the bus stop. Of course, the ad didn't point out that with the temperature yesterday was 104. Maybe that's why you don't see more people on bicycles here.