Sunday, August 24, 2008

I Want to Cut a Deal with Democrats

I posted this comment on a thread at Delaware Liberal, where the usuals were complaining about McCain discussing his status as a POW:

You know, we could make a deal. McCain won’t mention being a POW if Barack Obama will quit talking about his blackness. I’m for that. I’m tired of hearing how Republicans want to play the race card when it is Democrats in general and the Obama campaign in particular that keeps bringing it up. I don’t wanna hear any more about “dog whistles” in every freakin’ ad that shows what a clown Obama is.

We got a deal?

I know Democrats won't give up their schtick of accusing Republicans of being racists, closeted or otherwise, in every single sentence the Dems utter. But if they want to complain that John McCain brings up the single defining moment of his life when discussing his approach to things, then I think it's acceptable to complain about Obama's racism accusations at every opportunity. This includes the idiotic "dog whistle" claims that, seemingly, any criticism of Obama must circle back to we hate black people.

You think he's inexperienced? You must hate black people!

He's got shady connections? You must hate black people!

You think his policies are, at best, naive, and at worst, destructive for our country? You must hate black people!

You think the fawning and swooning coverage of Barack Obama is embarrassing, disgusting, and a little dishonest? You. Must. Hate. Black. People.

I understand that Democrats are upset that McCain has a credential they don't. It makes sense that the party that typically scorns all things military is repulsed by it. They have nothing to compare and their strategies typically involve cutting military spending and personnel. And the only missions they want our military involved with are those in which we have no national interest. So, yeah, it makes sense to me that they don't want to talk about John McCain being a POW. Unless they want to try to compare our military to the Vietcong.

So, I propose that John McCain stop talking about being a POW if Democrats stop talking about Obama's blackness and accusing every criticism of Obama as being racism. Fair enough?