Thursday, August 07, 2008

Who Is She Kidding?

Echidne, who must not get out much, had this ridiculous post up this morning:

Also the reason why today's topics are whether Obama is too arrogant or too inexperienced and young. And all the time the alternative topic of McCain being too out-of-touch and too old just sits there, like an invisible elephant on your living-room couch. We "libral demon rats" have avoided the easy schtick of ageism but nothing of the sort holds back the right-wing meme machine. So now we can discuss Obama's age but not McCain's age.

Really? There's nobody talking about John McCain's age?

I'm not even going to be polite about that sort of moonbattery. Saying that John McCain's age is "off limits" is delusional. Particularly given that this post came out just after Paris Hilton called McCain Wrinkly, White-Haired Guy.

And this isn't even bringing up the leftosphere's habit of calling every misspoken word by McCain senility.

Lefties don't like it when smart people point out that Barack Obama hasn't done much of anything to recommend him for the presidency in his 47 years. That's why they get testy when you bring it up. But arguing that "nobody talks about McCain's age" is just lying.