Saturday, August 02, 2008

Nothing Like a Day for Rush to Drive the Nutroots Crazy

I missed Rush Limbaugh's 20th anniversary show yesterday, but it's nice to know that he can still drive the nutroots batshit crazy.

The Bush dynasty called into Rush's show yesterday to congratulate Rush on 20 years of talk radio, and we just can't have that, now, can we?

I will never get over the fact that this raging, racist, sexist, hypocritical, asshole is considered so mainstream that he is even broadcast to the troops overseas and hosts the Bush family, but the congress of the United State voted to condemn MoveOn for taking out an ad in the NY Times. It still makes me mad.

More accurate Digby: *whine whine whine* We don't have a Rush Limbaugh on our side! *sniff* *stamps petite foot*