Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Kids Prefer Food in McDonald's Wrappers

U.S. researchers have determined that "preschoolers preferred the taste of burgers and fries when they came in McDonald's wrappers over the same food in plain wrapping."

(Dr. Thomas) Robinson (of the Stanford University School of Medicine) and colleagues conducted a taste test with a total of 63 kids aged 3 to 5 who were enrolled in a Head Start preschool for low-income families.

They were offered five pairs of foods and asked if they tasted the same or to point to the one that tasted better.

The food -- taken from the same order -- was wrapped in either McDonald's packaging or unbranded packages in the same color and style.

In about 60 percent of the tastings, the kids preferred food in the McDonald's wrapper.

"They actually thought the food tasted better," Robinson said in a telephone interview.

According to the study, kids even thought carrots in the McDonald's wrappers tasted better.

Maybe I need to keep the McDonald's wrappers and put the meatloaf and broccoli in them.