Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Independence Day

Here in Texas, it's a wet and soggy 4th, and the rain, which has occurred nearly every day for the last three weeks, is supposed to continue at least through the weekend. But I'm hopeful there will be fireworks this evening regardless.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Dale Franks at The Q and O Blog explains how the nutroots celebrate Independence Day.

Still, spending July 4th, the country's national holiday, recounting what a craphole the place is, does kinda open you up to those sorts of accusations. I mean, isn't there a single day that these people can write down anything they like about the country?

You know, like how, in America, they can write these little screeds about how horrible the government is, and how their liberties are all being taken away, without worrying that the secret police will boot down their door at 2:00am and cart them all off to a concentration camp.

I guess that would be too much to expect, of course. Quite apart from anything else, it would require the ability to comprehend irony.

It's sad, really, because even when there's a president I dislike in office, I can love and appreciate the special blessings associated with living in America. I guess the point is that loving your country and celebrating it should be more important than your individual and petty grievances.