Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wisdom from Children

At Common Sense Political Thought, Dana has a nice post of links, including one to this site (thanks, Dana!). But the best link has to be to this post at nk's site.

Nk's six-year-old daughter's class had a mock election and she voted for Sarah Palin because there haven't been any girl presidents (smart kid!). But more to the point:

I want to have a paper-route. (She pronounced it “root”). And Obama is going to steal all my money and give it to other people.

There's a smart kid! And probably a nicer answer than the one my youngest daughter gives (she's eight).

At the dinner table one night, she looked at me and asked, "Is it true that Obama kills babies?"

I almost spit out my peas. My husband raised an eyebrow at me and I had to explain myself.

A few weeks back, my 10-year-old son asked me why we weren't voting for the "brown man." I'm sure, just like nk's daughter, my son had been told what a "historic" occasion it was that we could vote for a "brown man," leaving off, of course, that it was also historic because we could elect a woman as vice president. I stopped and thought about how to explain why I thought Barack Obama would be bad for our country. Tax policies are probably a little over the head of a boy who still dreams of flying. And I didn't think he'd be impressed with my judicial philosophy. So, I told him that Barack Obama thought it was ok for women to kill their babies and we didn't think that was a good idea.

Yes, yes. I know that's an overly simplistic way of discussing the abortion debate with a child who doesn't fully understand the birds and the bees yet. But it was the most direct (and accurate) way of describing Obama's abortion position. And I used far fewer words than Obama has to.

So, at the dinner table, my husband turned to our youngest child and said, "Obama doesn't want to kill them himself. He just thinks it's ok if their mothers want to."

Both children looked aghast. "Why would he do that?" she asked.

I pondered that question for a minute and then replied, "I don't understand why he would, honey." And that's the truth.