Friday, December 08, 2006

TVLand and the Patriarchy

The Boston Herald's Lauren Beckham Falcone noticed something in TVLand's 100 Greatest Quotes and Catchphrases that I didn't: almost all of them are from men.

"It’s crazy that there are so few women represented," said Terry Lawler, executive director of New York Women in Film & Television. "It’s a glaring omission, and you have to wonder how many women were part of the choosing. You also have to wonder why there wasn’t any effort to ask, 'Are we representing the full spectrum of women and shows that have been important?'"

Tom Hill, vice president and creative director for TV Land, said 10 staffers created the list, and the group "included a number of women.

"Although I won’t reveal the percentage," he said. "I do admit it was a bit of a surprise when it was pointed out how few women were on the list. Do two men in drag count?"

Not assuming every predominantly male event is an attempt to shut out women, I just didn't ask myself if a TV show was "representing the full spectrum of women." Of course, I did point out that every political quote was pro-Democrat and anti-Republican, so obviously I noticed some bias there. I wonder why Falcone didn't notice that one?