Saturday, December 23, 2006

And the Most Outrageous Outrage Is...

Media Matters has a piece titled Most Outrageous Comments of 2006. Of course, it should be titled Most Outrageous Conservative Comments of 2006--And Have We Said Lately How Much We Hate Ann Coulter?

Media Matters is another of those supposedly "neutral" watchdog groups which, amazingly, never find anything negative to say about liberals (I know, it's shocking, isn't it?).

The list is predictable hyperbole from columnists and commentators, and most of the top 10 consist of Ann Coulter snippets. Remember Ann Coulter? She's the one who says that she likes to say things just to piss off liberals.

Compare the list at Media Matters with this extensive piece at Media Research Center.

Interestingly, most of the quotes MRC uses are from supposedly straight news sources. Sure, there is a lot of punditry as well, but most of the awards were for hyperbole in what is ostensibly objective news. For example, this about Hurricane Katrina:

ABC’s Steve Osunsami: "In many black neighborhoods, they actually believe that white residents sent the barge that destroyed the levee and flooded their communities."
Unidentified black man, in HBO’s film by Spike Lee: "They had a bomb. They bombed that sucker."
Osunsami: "To this day, the conspiracy theories are so widely held, director Spike Lee put them on film...."
Spike Lee, director: "As an African-American in this country, I don’t put anything past the government."
— ABC’s World News with Charles Gibson, August 29.

Or this about moonbat conspiracy theories about lower gas prices last fall:
Anchor Katie Couric: "Gas is the lowest it’s been all year, a nationwide average of $2.23 a gallon. It hasn’t been that low since last Christmas. But is this an election-year present from President Bush to fellow Republicans?"
Reporter Anthony Mason: "...Gas started going down just as the fall campaign started heating up. Coincidence? Some drivers don’t think so."
Man in a car: "And I think it’s basically a ploy to sort of get the American people to think, well, the economy is going good, let’s vote Republican."
— CBS Evening News, October 16. As Mason spoke, the camera zoomed in on the driver’s bumper sticker, "GOP: Grand Oil Party."

To be sure, there are tons of quotes from nutbag Keith Olbermann, but, frankly, I expect him to be a nut, mostly because there are only about three people watching his show (and all of them have lefty blogs so they can quote him extensively).

The left's obsession with Ann Coulter (she got four of the top 10 quotes at Media Matters) is both laughable and disturbing. I think it says a lot that they could find so few conservatives to bash. The MRC piece quotes dozens of sources for its outrageousness awards. You think it says something about the sheer number of liberals saying stupid things on television?

Cross-posted at Common Sense Political Thought.