Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam Hussein Executed

According to this story by the Associated Press, Saddam Hussein was executed last night.

Saddam Hussein struggled briefly after American military guards handed him over to Iraqi executioners. But as his final moments approached, he grew calm.

He clutched a Quran as he was led to the gallows, and in one final moment of defiance, refused to have a hood pulled over his head before facing the same fate he was accused of inflicting on countless thousands during a quarter-century of ruthless power.

A man whose testimony helped lead to Saddam's conviction and execution before sunrise said he was shown the body because "everybody wanted to make sure that he was really executed."

"Now, he is in the garbage of history," said Jawad Abdul-Aziz, who lost his father, three brothers and 22 cousins in the reprisal killings that followed a botched 1982 assassination attempt against Saddam in the Shiite town of Dujail.

Not surprisingly, the moonbats have found a way to turn Saddam's actions into America's fault.

At Pandagon:
R.Mildred: the trouble is that saddam was no less barbaric than the british when churchill was in charge of the area, no less despotic...more humane and better for women than we are...

Weep for Saddam’s death, weep for the way his death and his joke of a trial is being used to obfuscate the role american politicians, many of whom are still running the government, played in putting saddam in charge of iraq, put the weapons he used into his hands, funded his wars and suppression of uprisings, how htey told the kurds to rise up with the promise of american support during Iraq I and then chickened out at the last minute, how every single badness that has happened ot iraq for the past 20 years can be traced to one or more current standing politician, civil servant or plutocratic businessman with an ear in congress or the senate or the white house.

Mark Foxwell: I mainly weep that he never got a chance (or didn’t have the inclination?) to spell out just how complict we Americans (the real powers behind his executioners) were in just about every vile offense against humanity he ever committed.

The nutjobs at DailyKOS were more explicit:
Kdoug: What should be the punishment for Bush?
He is responsible for the deaths of 650,000 Iraqis (Lancet); and nearly 3,000 Americans? Those looking for Justice ... what should be the punishment?

Bakabear: At the end of the war in Italy, Mussolini was executed on April 29, 1945, and his body, along with others, was hanged at an Esso gas station in Milan. As much as this would be so very appropriate for Bush, I'd rather see him in on trial in the Hague answering to charges against humanity.

vassmer: Of course, there will be those who are delusional and believe a man who was responsible for 9/11 was executed today (of course Bush will continue making connections to that fallacy."

Or the ones cheering are those that really get a kick out of murder/executions/war or killing darker skin people because somehow it makes them feel they are winning the war on terror.

Of course, tas at Liberal Avenger was a little more subtle:
Why has Saddam been sentenced to die for killing over 100 Shia? Did the Iraqi judicial system somehow forget about Saddam’s Anfal campaign wherein he used chemical weapons to kill over 100,000 Kurds? Why isn’t he being tried for this crime? Is it because the Reagan administration supplied Saddam with some of those chemical weapons, and Bush and his handlers don’t want the full extent of his Republican predessor’s involvement to become well known? And since George Hebert Walker Bush was vice president at the time, did he have direct involvement in our tax dollars being used to arm Iraq so Saddam could murder thousands? Or, to a lesser extent, did he know what was going on? Does Bush not want to see his Dad brought up for war crimes?

Just connecting the dots, maybe? asking. Speculating.

Because, you see, to the freakfest on the left, everything is eventually America's fault. Then they wonder why we question their patriotism.

UPDATE: More moonbat idiocy here.