Thursday, December 14, 2006

Have a Happy Non-Sectarian Day Off

GetReligion found a different holiday story at Britain's The Daily Mail.

Only one in 100 Christmas cards sold in Britain contains any religious imagery or message, a Daily Mail survey has revealed.

Traditional pictures such as angels blowing trumpets over a stable, Jesus in his manager, the shepherds and three wise men following the star to Bethlehem are dying out.

Instead, scenes of the Nativity has been replaced on cards by designs or jokes with little or no relevance to the Bible story and the true meaning of Christmas...

And another card ignores Christmas altogether - wishing the recipient a "Happy December".

About 15 years ago, I had to search hard to find a non-"Merry Christmas" Christmas card for a Jewish friend at work. He appreciated the effort I made to find one. Now it seems that finding the "Merry Christmas" Christmas card may be the harder task.

Cross-posted at Common Sense Political Thought.