Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pay Your Share of Taxes, Dammit!

I love the liberal take on taxes. Taking more than a third of your wages isn't enough for them. It's not "fair" for a wealthy person not to have even higher rates. So, what's the reaction to this article that says taxes for high-earning New Yorkers could go over 50%? Why, they're just a bunch of whiners.

Goodness, the poor, poor rich people. Years of living in fat city with ridiculous (sic) low tax rates are their entitlement, you see, and those nasty Democrats are going to confiscate all the wealth in the land and give it to welfare queens, of course.

Emphasis mine.

You get that? If the government isn't taking half of what you earn, you've been "living in fat city." Gotta love that logic!

Don Surber explains why this system didn't work in the 1970s and won't work now.