Tuesday, July 01, 2008

About Obama's Fundraising

Jeromy Brown has tried to spin Obama's lying about campaign finance into some sort of asset, claiming that Obama's just gotten so many $25 checks from dolts like him that it really is public financing.

Well, not so fast. David Brooks has the real figures from the Obama campaign, and it isn't really a bunch of starry-eyed kids donating their lunch money to the Obamanator.

As in other recent campaigns, lawyers account for the biggest chunk of Democratic donations. They have donated about $18 million to Obama, compared with about $5 million to John McCain, according to data released on June 2 and available at OpenSecrets.org.

People who work at securities and investment companies have given Obama about $8 million, compared with $4.5 for McCain. People who work in communications and electronics have given Obama about $10 million, compared with $2 million for McCain. Professors and other people who work in education have given Obama roughly $7 million, compared with $700,000 for McCain.

Real estate professionals have given Obama $5 million, compared with $4 million for McCain. Medical professionals have given Obama $7 million, compared with $3 million for McCain. Commercial bankers have given Obama $1.6 million, compared with $1.2 million for McCain. Hedge fund and private equity managers have given Obama about $1.6 million, compared with $850,000 for McCain.

Hmm. Lawyers, investment bankers, hedge fund operators. Yeah, those are the blue collar folks Democrats always sell their sappy lines to, right? But wait, there'smore!
When you break it out by individual companies, you find that employees of Goldman Sachs gave more to Obama than workers of any other employer. The Goldman Sachs geniuses are followed by employees of the University of California, UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, National Amusements, Lehman Brothers, Harvard and Google. At many of these workplaces, Obama has a three- or four-to-one fund-raising advantage over McCain.

Goldman Sachs?! Goldman Sachs??!! Well, I guess we're talking about the data entry clerks or the receptionists, right? Though Obama crows that his campaign is made up of "little donations" (those under $200), Brooks notes that only about 45% of Obama's money comes from there. The rest is from liberals in the information industry. You know, guys like Bill Gates who made a fortune then decried the capitalism that made it possible. The real advantage for Democrats is in raising an army of little Eichmans--er, moonbats--er, progressives who agree with Democrats' tax-the-rich strategy, not realizing they are the rich who will be taxed.