Sunday, July 27, 2008

He Supports the Troops...By Not Visiting Wounded Soldiers but Making Time for the Gym

Allahpundit thinks the new John McCain ad is a bad idea, but I have to agree with Dan Riehl:

Hey, it's hardball season in the world of politics and the political championship of, effectively, the free world is at stake. Obama left himself open for this attack. What kind of judgment is that? McCain's point to ABC is dead on. Obama wants so badly to become C-I-C it's all he can do to keep himself from acting the part prematurely - witness that pathetic faux-presidential seal that disappeared the day it was unveiled.

We want to be full of righteous indignation now? Wait until the crap starts flying at McCain as we move into Fall. Are we forgetting they almost got Bush because of forged documents at the last minute? Who knows what's coming this time. If McCain can paint Obama as a showboating empty suit early, he might never really recover. Elections aren't always won and lost in the Fall and you know the media will be all Obama all the time then, as well as making his convention speech something akin to the Sermon on the Mount. McCain needs to hit this guy with everything and anything he can. And he needs to do it now and, most likely, until the final innings.

The MSM is even farther in the tank for Obama than they were for either Algore or John Kerry. On top of that, Obama's handlers are doing everything possible to prevent him from speaking off the teleprompter or from anyone finding out the Unauthorized version of Barack Obama's life. That means that we can expect more fawning coverage like the People magazine cover that stared at me while I bought groceries yesterday. If you think John McCain will receive such glowing coverage, you are deulsional.

Here's the ad: