Robert McCain takes Andrew "Fake Conservative" Sullivan to task for his shameless defense of all things Obama.
Moreover, is there any criticism of Obama that Sullivan considers legitimate?
I'd say the answer is "no." Sullivan lost all credibility after flip-flopping on his support of George W. Bush. Sullivan went from a Bush cheerleader to a whinging, feckless, pathetic whiner in less than two years. The only person flip-flopping faster than Sullivan is his hero, Barack Obama.
This particular defense centers on exactly what Barack Obama inherited from George W. Bush. For months, Obama has been hammering away at the idea that he inherited a "fiscal disaster," even though he helped shape the deficits he complains about. Sullivan has the audacity to call the Bush administration "the most fiscally reckless administration in recent history," which is a coffee spewer if ever there was one, given Congressional Budget Office figures which show Obama's deficits far higher than anything George Bush ever dreamt of.

It's one thing to have foolishly praised Obama during the presidential campaign. It's another to flaunt one's blindness and stupidity once the consequences of Obama's policies become apparent.