Crooks and Liars has the story on the offensive gear being sold at Cafe Press, which includes T-shirts lauding abortion doctor killer Scott Roeder as "an American Hero" and "Impeach Barack Obama" with a rifle.
I'm sure there are dozens of offensive stuff being sold on Cafe Press just like these. This is a pattern of behavior that's only going to escalate unfortunately for America and more violence is sure to follow.
I'm sure John Amato was equally concerned about leftwing violence against President George W. Bush, but I'm having a hard time finding the story on Crooks and Liars. There's this story, without commentary, on the arrest and release of anti-Bush protesters who wore T-shirts with "no Bush" (circle with slash through it around picture of George Bush), although the commenters mocked the idea that the shirts displayed any potential violence against the president.

I find both T-shirts to be reprehensible, and I have to wonder about people who would buy such things. But I'd be a little more sympathetic were the John Amatos of this world weren't so selective in their outrage. We have a word for that: Democrisy.