Excellent column today questioning why liberals were quick to defend Muslims as "peaceful" when a few terrorists killed 3,000 Americans, but condemn all pro-lifers for the taking of five lives by a few whackos.
This Amanda Marcotte post and the comments that follow are a good example of Coulter's point.
But the excuse-making for domestic terrorists isn’t limited to claiming that half-hearted reminders that murder is illegal is enough to erase all the targeting of specific individuals for harassment and violence. The other trick is to try to put distance between the extremists, who we’re told are few in number, and the rest of the conservative movement.
But there's no trick when liberals argue that there should be distance between terrorists who fly airplanes into buildings and average Muslims. Because, obviously, there's no connection between Islam and terrorism. OTOH, there's a direct connection between a handful of nuts who kill five doctors and millions of people who think abortion is murder.