Monday, September 24, 2007

The MoveOn Ad, Ad Rates, and the No-Nothings at Iowa Liberal

By now, everybody knows about the ad attacking General Petraeus and the fact that MoveOn got a discounted rate. I even wrote about the controversy here.

But the nuts at Iowa Liberal think that noting the discount and the fishiness of it makes you a liar. Says Mike:

Here’s a terrific example of Sharon’s supposed disdain for lies and obfuscation; she readily picks up on the cut-and-paste story that the NYT gave preferential advertising rates to (and therefore proving their status as the bullhorn of Communism) yet chooses to ignore the well documented fact that they contracted the ad ahead of time on cheaper stand-by terms. The going rate for a full page ad on stand-by? $65K…the exact same price that was paid. Better still, it’s the same rate that Giuliani paid for his full page denunciation of the MoveOn piece!

When those fat gums start flapping you’d best disregard the dreck that comes out. She is as dishonest as she is ignorant.

Hmm. Maybe Mike should keep his trap shut until he reads that the New York Times says it was a discount. That sort of flies in the face of Mike's stupidity, doesn't it?

But then, as Stop the ACLU noted, the NY Times put all its leftwing nuts in a bit of a bind by admitting the deep (and I do mean deep) discount for an ad that, by all accounts, didn't even meet the Times' own standards for advertising. Supposedly, the Grey Lady doesn't accept ads that personally attack a person. But I guess it's different if the person you attack serves a president you dislike.