Sunday, February 04, 2007

Too Bad Edwards Can't Hire Him, Too

Sometimes I think the Left needs some new material. Well, actually, I think that a lot.

Hasn't the "America is Nazi Germany" meme kind of lost its punch? It's not like it is a novel approach by the Left. They call every event in America, however unrelated, from Hurricane Katrina to the Republican National Convention, "Nazi Germany."

At least they don't compare us to Imperial Japan, I've thought.

Well, I guess it was only a matter of time.

This piece in the New York Post discusses George Soros's latest stupid statement.

Sen. Barack Obama might want to tell George Soros to shut up, now that the Hungarian-born billionaire has equated the George W. Bush administration with the Third Reich. Soros, who spent $26 million trying to beat Bush two years ago, is a key supporter of the media-darling Illinois Democrat's presidential campaign. But last week at Davos, Soros made folks like Gwyneth Paltrow and Sean Penn look downright patriotic. After asserting that the United States is recognizing the error it made in Iraq, Soros said, "To what extent it recognizes the mistake will determine its future." He went on to say that Turkey and Japan are still hurt by a reluctance to admit to dark parts of their history, and contrasted that reluctance to Germany's rejection of its Nazi-era past. "America needs to follow the policies it has introduced in Germany," Soros said. "We have to go through a certain de-Nazification process." Soros spokesman Michael Vachon told Page Six: "There is nothing unpatriotic about demanding accountability from the president. Those responsible for taking America into this needless war should do us all a favor and retire from public office."

So, now they're comparing us with the people who brought us the Armenian Holocaust and the Nanking massacre? If the analogy is apt, where are the dead bodies of the people killed by starvation, mass executions, etc.?

Isn't there a point where the hyperbole is too much even for the Left?