Why is it when other people perform atrocities in their countries that it is still America's fault?
This woman, Sabrine Al-Janabi, was taken from her home. She was raped multiple times and then beaten before she was raped some more. What devastates me is knowing that we did this. We turned another country into a place where women are regularly pulled from their homes and gang-raped.
Say what?!
I understand that the American left thinks all evil stems from America, but are these people so willfully ignorant that they deny the atrocities of the Hussein regime?
Apparently so.
Me: Um, no. The people who raped her did this. And I guess you don't believe in the rape rooms that where there before, right?
Commenter: Do you really want to go there, sharon? Because then we'd have to ask who provided Saddam with the funds to make those horrors happen as well.
I've always found this to be a weak argument, but it is typical of the blame America first crowd. If we give any foreign aid (and we give a lot), then any abuses are our fault. It would be nice if, instead of constantly blaming America, the left actually blamed the people who perpetrate these crimes. Novel idea, I know.
UPDATE: Later in the comment thread, Shakespeare' Sis said this:
I don't believe that they are personally responsible for an increase in rapes, with the exception of those who actually commit rapes themselves.
That I do agree with.