Thursday, February 19, 2009

Question of the Day

If Obama's stimulus plan is the way to get out of a recession, why doesn't California just spend more money that it doesn't have?

Of course, California, where "entitlement" reaches new heights, wants you and me to bail them out. And whose fault is it that California is in such dire straits?


Now, before you spew your coffee, there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this stupid statement. Amazingly, Democrats can't find anything to cut from the state budget. And why should they? If the feds will come and use your tax money to pay for California's folly, why should they cut anything.

It's no secret that in good times, states grow their budgets to eat up every available tax dollar. And when times get bad? Well, they can't cut the budget! That would hurt the poor!

We used to call this insanity irresponsible. Now we can just call it Democrat rule.