Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day of Reckoning?

William Kristol has an interesting column discussing Obama's SOTU speech and what Republicans need to do.

George W. Bush defined his presidency by his response to the terror attacks. Obama didn't discuss Sept. 11. And by relegating foreign policy to the status of a virtual afterthought, Obama indicated that he doesn't think his presidency will rise or fall by the success or failure of his diplomatic or military endeavors. Bill Clinton told Congress in 1996 that the era of big government was over. Obama withdrew that concession to conservatives and conservatism. George H.W. Bush worried in 1989 that we have more will than wallet. Obama has no such worries.

Obama isn't worried about mortgaging our children's future. He doesn't care about the stock market. If businesses struggle or go under, it gives him more authority to expand government even more. Why should he be concerned about the costs of his "stimulus" plan or socialized medicine? Can't waste a good crisis, you know.

If you complain about the costs--which far exceed George W. Bush's wildest dreams--you get told that Republicans spent profligately, so now Democrats should have a turn. Now, this reasoning might not have worked with your mother, but these days, nobody's worried about costs. After all, if we don't offer a billion to everyone, then we aren't compassionate enough. Or something.

As Kristol notes, Republicans have more members in Congress than during FDR's reign or LBJ's. That will make it easier to fight his more ridiculous (and expensive) ideas.