Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's Not April Fool's Day But It Ought to Be

Saudi Arabia to lead U.N. Faith Forum.

This is the same country that doesn't allow women to drive or even wear Western dress, let alone vote.

Saudi Arabia, the oil-rich Islamic kingdom that forbids the public practice of other religious faiths, will preside Wednesday over a two-day U.N. conference on religious tolerance that will draw more than a dozen world leaders, including President Bush, Israeli President Shimon Peres and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Don't bring your Bible or say, "God bless you" in Saudi Arabia. Don't wear a cross. Don't celebrate Christmas. But we're going to waste time and money going to a religious tolerance conference sponsored by one of the main oppressors. This is what the U.N. is good for and why Barack Obama wants us to be more involved with them?