Sunday, May 04, 2008

Psst...The Media Love Obama and Hate Hillary

I know. It's a shocking revelation. You certainly wouldn't know it by reading some blogs. But via Newsbusters, we have the words of Salon editor Joan Walsh confirming what we knew:

I was struck when I got to Iowa and New Hampshire in January by how our media colleagues were just swooning over Barack Obama. That is not too strong a word. They were swooning. I was at a speech, I remember it, I will write about it some day, in Manchester, and every, the biggest names in our business were there, and they were, they could repeat some of his speech lines to one another. It was like a Bruce Springsteen concert where the fans sing along. And, you know, I respected it to some extent. He's a towering political figure. Of our generation, he's probably the best politician, he's inspiring. And, reporters, white reporters, black reporters, reporters of every race, we want to get beyond racism in America. So, he was, he was inspiring, I understood it, they're humans, they responded. The downside though is that they hate, hate Hillary Clinton, most of them. Hate is not too strong a word.

It's refreshing when journalists actually admit to their own biases, not because we didn't know it, but because there's hope for objectivity.