Thursday, May 01, 2008

I Guess All Those Vietnamese Wanted to Die

You gotta hand it to liberals. They forget inconvenient facts and sweep tragedy under the rug when they think it helps their arguments. After all, that's what's come out of this thread where Jeromy Brown said:

Vietnam eventually sorted itself out, on its own, and does pretty well for itself nowadays.

Emphasis mine.

"Sorted itself out?" That's kind of an understatement considering the number of people who died, were imprisoned and/or tortured.
In Vietnam, the new communist government sent many people who supported the old government in the South to "re-education camps", and others to "new economic zones." An estimated 1 million people were imprisoned without formal charges or trials.[1] 165,000 people died in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam's re-education camps, according to published academic studies in the United States and Europe.[1] Thousands were abused or tortured: their hands and legs shackled in painful positions for months, their skin slashed by bamboo canes studded with thorns, their veins injected with poisonous chemicals, their spirits broken with stories about relatives being killed.[1] These factors, coupled with poverty, caused millions of Vietnamese to flee the country.

I guess that was just part of "sorting itself out."

It's too bad Jeromy couldn't shut his mouth while he was behind. But that's not his style. So, he continued this way:
And yes, Vietnam is better off today than during the ten years of the war. Yes, there was some bloodshed and fleeing at first, but 3-4 million people in the region died during the war. You idiots on the right grousing about how we coulda won it never talk about how many more millions would have needed to die to get your way. You're just stuck on your talking points about the minor fallout after the end of the war.

Somehow, I doubt that the boat people who came here, on top of all the people who died or were tortured by the Communists in Vietnam would call what happened to them a "minor fallout." And this isn't even talking about the severe restrictions communist regimes impose on their citizens. I guess we know which side Jeromy Brown is on when it comes to individual liberties.