Friday, May 09, 2008

It Matters Who the President Meets With

Jeromy Brown, in defending Barack Obama, has argued that it isn't a bad thing for us to meet with our enemies and/or negotiate with them. His examples included China and the Soviet Union.

Of course, one of the big differences between either of those countries and, say, Hamas is that Hamas is a terrorist group. And Hugo Chavez, the fruit running Venezuela, is a nut. But Jeromy thinks it is just fine to negotiate with such people.

That's why I found this pst at JustOneMinute to be so fascinating.

John McCain, in his appearance on Jon Stewart, reprised his observation that Hamas favored Obama.

Barack Obama, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer, engaged in a bit of agesim by deploring this "smear" and asserting that John McCain had "lost his bearing".

McCain aide Mark Salter fires back. His gist - a Hamas spokesperson did say exactly that, and has a perfectly good reason to say so - Iran trains and funds Hamas and would welcome the publicity coup of the unconditional meeting with an American President promised by Barack.

Obama may try to soft-pedal his appeal to our enemies, but our enemies know he's no Republican.