Saturday, May 03, 2008

McCain and the War for Oil

Lefty bloggers have been having a field day over John McCain's statement that the war in Iraq has been about oil. While moonbats think wars for resources are somehow more evil than wars for independence or human rights or self-preservation (they don't approve of those either), I've never thought trying to prevent bullies from controlling the most valuable resource on earth is a terrible thing. But that's my personal opinion.

Karl at Protein Wisdom explains the real problem with McCain's statement.

National defense and foreign affairs are supposed to be John McCain’s strong suits, so he should know this. That he gave the answer he did will allow his opponents to score some cheap political points, but the real problem is that his answer might reflect the same shallow thinking of those opponents.

I agree with Karl. I'm all for energy independence in the U.S., and I think that will only become a reality when we become less dependent on oil and find alternative choices. McCain's statements sound more like pandering to independents and centrists. People voting for McCain want him to be strong on defense and not wanting to decrease our influence in the Middle East. This sort of statement doesn't support that and calls into question his military chops.