Tuesday, January 02, 2007

But the New York Times Always Tells the Truth!

Well, no, they don't, especially if it's about abortion. Hot Air has a new Vent by Michelle Malkin discussing the NYT's deception concerning this story from last April.

The story claims that a woman in El Salvador was sent to prison for 30 years for having an abortion. But as See-Dubya pointed out Dec. 30, even the NYT ombudsman can't support the lies reported in the story.

About a month ago I noted an allegation that the New York Times Magazine had published an article that described a woman who was serving 30 years in a prison in El Salvador for getting an abortion. While abortion is illegal in El Salvador, the woman had actually been convicted of murder for strangling her newborn.
NYT Public Editor Byron Calame checked into it and found that, basically, the Times got it wrong–or, as he put it:
Accuracy and fairness were not pursued with the vigor Times readers have a right to expect.

See-Dubya gives a good analysis of both what went wrong and what the Times should have done. Read the rest of the post for more.

UPDATE: Here's a link to Malkin's column on this incident.