Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Did Biden Pull a George Allen?

Betsy asks a good question about Joe Biden's gaffe. I'm speaking of Biden's description of Barak Obama as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

I was stopped at the word "articulate," a word generally loaded with bad baggage. I don't think I even got to the "clean" part. WTH does he mean by that? And here, I thought Joe Biden was only good for plagiarism jokes.

Betsy has the key question about the Biden gaffe: Will he get the same treatment from the MSM as George Allen did for his macaca slip?

Now that Drudge has picked up on this interview, I have to wonder if the media will pay half as much attention to this gaffe by Biden as they do to Republican gaffes. Will the Washington Post run as many stories on it as they did on George Allen saying macaca?

My bet is no.