Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Woman's Right to Choose, Part 6

From the Daily Telegraph:

An invasion of pregnant women from mainland China flooding into Hong Kong to give birth has forced the territory's authorities to take action to turn them back at the border.

Tens of thousands of women in the past three years have crossed into Hong Kong, checked into hospitals to give birth, and returned home again, often without paying their bills.

By doing so, they can evade China's one-child policy, and gain automatic residency rights for their child in Hong Kong.

I'm sure the argument pro-abortionists would have is that if Hong Kong were really pro-life, they wouldn't limit the number of women coming from mainland China. Of course, this misses the real point, which is that China's one-child policy forces women to have abortions they don't want because it's better for the country. The Chinese government isn't quite so openly contemptuous of babies as the pro-choice movement in this country.