Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Liberal Fear Gone Wild: Another The Scream Moment

Ok, it's time to drag out The Scream again, so here it is.

It's sad watching liberal hysteria, but there's really no other way of describing things like this post by Echidne, stating that meaningless, feel-good declarations like this are leading us straight to Hell, a.k.a. an "American theocracy." How does she jump off the cliff to this conclusion? Well, there's this:

All those "whereases" in the declaration are worth reading, to see what it really says. It's not about "religion at all" but about Christianity, and the urgent need to have the government run on Christian principles.

ZOMG! The horror! Funny, the declaration doesn't say anything like this at all. But I guess when you break out in a rash at the mention of Christians (Echidne discusses "Evangelists" in a different post), then even meaningless, feel-good declarations are worthy of hyperventilation.

Echidne takes particular offense to clause 2, which says:
(2) recognizes that the religious foundations of faith on which America was built are critical underpinnings of our Nation's most valuable institutions and form the inseparable foundation for America's representative processes, legal systems, and societal structures (emphasis hers)

Yeah, we wouldn't want people thinking our presidents ever considered religion to be important. Wow, if they'd ever, oh, made religious proclamations, someone might think they were putting us on the road to theocracy...or theocrazy, as that clever Echidne said.