Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Saddam Hussein Harbored Terrorists? Say It Ain't So!

Last week, I discussed the New York Times article about the Senate Intelligence Committee's "report" on pre-war intelligence.

At the time, I only focused on the misreading of the report by Jesse Taylor at Pandagon, where he claimed the report proved he was "so fucking right." I sent through a few comments trying to point out to the pinheads at Pandagon that the report didn't exactly say what they were saying it did. Oh, sure, the story tried to minimize the partisanship of the report and that there were many people of all political persuasions who considered Saddam Hussein to be enough of a threat that getting rid of him was a good idea. Amusingly, however, MikeEss stepped in it when he said:

Let me guess: You still believe the crap about Hussein secretly supporting al Qaeda, right? Well I guess you and Richard “Big Dick” Cheney can’t be wrong...despite having no evidence in your favor...

After being accused of not having read the story by Jesse Taylor, it's rather amusing that MikeEss obviously didn't read the report:
Statements that Iraq provided safe haven for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and other al Qaeda-related terrorist members were substantiated by the intelligence assessments.

Intelligence assessments noted Zarqawi's presence in Iraq and his ability to travel and operate within the country. The intelligence community generally believed that Iraqi intelligence must have known about, and therefore at least tolerated, Zarqawi's presence in the country...

Postwar information supports prewar assessments and statements that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was in Baghdad and that al Qaeda was present in northern Iraq.

Moonbats hate admitting that Saddam Hussein allowed al Qaida free and easy movement within Iraq. That's why they'll lie if it suits them. Or not read.