Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Sorry it has taken me a while to get around to it, but I hope all fathers have a happy day today, basking in the glow of appreciation for all they do.

It was a bittersweet day for the GPWOW. I made a pineapple upside down cake for my husband (his favorite). We went to visit my father-in-law. And this evening, we ate at Denny's to honor my father (who loved Denny's).

Fathers hold such enormous importance in their children's lives, not just when they are young but as they age, as well. As a young child, my father was my hero. As a teenager and young adult, he was often my worthy adversary. But from about my mid-30's, my father was my hero, my mentor, and my advisor, the sage whose opinions I sought as I realized that I didn't have all the answers. Even as Alzheimer's ravished his faculties, his often cheeky humor and wisdom still came through.

My father was responsible, dutiful, and faithful to his family throughout his life. He worked hard and made sure we were provided for, regardless of the burden it placed on him. He never complained and rarely missed work. OTOH, he had a quirky sense of humor and loved to play practical jokes. And while he didn't lavish praise on his children, we all knew he loved us and was proud of our lives and accomplishments. I discovered just this week how proud he and my mother had been of me when I found dozens of my newspaper articles that they had clipped out to save. It was humbling to realize just how proud they were of the smallest things.

I hope this day has been a good one for all fathers everywhere.