Monday, March 10, 2008

Parody of an Obama Speech

Found this parody in a Larry Elder column:

Thank you very much. It’s great to be here... Change is never easy. Change is hard. Some change is harder than others. And easy change is never as easy as hard change, if only because hard change is hard. Changing the easy to the hard is harder than changing the hard to the easy. But if, ladies and gentlemen, you are looking for easy change done the hard way, then that hard change will not be easy, if only because change is hard, and harder change is much harder when it is hard than when it is easy. This is especially the case if you use the same way of changing results that ultimately result in change done the hard way. And that is why I am proposing hard change with a different approach that could ensure a different change than we’ve had in the past with the same approach only with different results with easy change than the hard change that we’ve had when change was, in fact, easy. Thank you very much.

'Nuff said.