Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The "Consenting Adults" Defense and Why It Doesn't Work

Remember when Bill Clinton was impeached and Democrats told us it was just "private behavior by consenting adults," which meant that lying about it to the court was acceptable?

Remember when Larry Craig was toe-tapping in the men's room and liberals suddenly didn't worry about "private behavior by consenting adults" anymore?

Now, evidently, some liberals are back to whining about "private behavior by consenting adults" again when it comes to New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's link to a prostitution ring.

Here's Jane Hamsher whining at Firedoglake:

What is a USA doing prosecuting a prostitution case? This isn't normally what the feds spend their time with.

Here's sock puppeteer Glenn Greenwald's defense--although he says he's not defending Spitzer--of Spitzer.

According to ABC News, it wasn't the sex; it was the bribery that makes the case. Think Jane will back down? Me either.