When talking to their own, leftwingers are more honest than when they speak to the country as a whole (or to conservatives, specifically). That's why this post is interesting in what it says and what it admits.
First, the author admits Barack Obama is a liberal (he calls it "progressive," but we know that's just window dressing to avoid being called a liberal).
Yet, there is nothing in Obama's personal history nor in his voting record to suggest that he is anything but a committed pragmatic progressive.
Of course, this is not the description of Obama we get from the MSM, who constantly call our abortion-loving, tax-and-spending, freedom-squashing, ally-snubbing, citizen-ignoring, hell-bent-on-passing-what-he-wants POTUS "centrist." There's nothing centrist about Obama or his approach to governing. And regardless of what the author and his
sycophants commenters think, there was no outreach to Republicans, unless you call "I won" outreach.
But more importantly, the author discusses Organizing for America, aka Obama for America, the outfit Barack Obama used during the campaign to disseminate his ideas on the internet. The author notes that the big push for Obamacare that came from progressives was run by OFA (contrast that to the grassroots efforts of the 57% of Americans who opposed Obamacare).
In just the final ten days of the legislative fight, OFA aides said they drove over 500,000 calls to Congress. The group also executed over 1,200 events during that period, about 100 per day, and mobilized a novel program for over 120,000 supporters to call other Obama fans in key districts to fan local enthusiasm for the bill -- a first for either national party.
I'm sure those Congressmen didn't
sic the police on these guys when they tried to contact their reps.
The key to take out of that is that Obama's minions and liberals in general have a distinct advantage when it comes to organizing and communication, particularly over the internet. Remember, this is the organization which
gins up liberal callers to conservative radio shows, giving them talking points and even a handy-dandy form to fill out detailing the results of the call.
In his book
Obama Zombies, Jason Mattera discusses how effectively Barack Obama used New Media in energizing young adults and encouraging them to support him--even if they had no idea what policies he supported. Obama used blogs, video games, YouTube and Facebook to effectively indoctrinate the young and herd them to the polls in November 2008. The results were that while John McCain either led or was close in every other age category, Obama got three to four times as many 18- to 29-year-olds, and that made the difference in the election.

Republicans can look forward to
doing quite well in the mid-terms, and that may be part of the reason Dems are scrambling to pass more poisonous legislation (like cap and trade).
Obama's recess appointments give us a look at what the President of All of Us expects to do once he doesn't have a lapdog Congress anymore. Yet it is increasingly clear that Republicans must discover new and better ways to harness New Media and attrack younger voters if we want BO to be a one-term president.